Hello, nonexistent band of loyal followers!
This blog post is sponsored by my English class. Well, not really, but it's sure caused by it. I'm supposed to be taking notes on grammar rules I've known since first grade, and I figure this is a much more productive use of my time. After all, what better way to waste the bandwidth of my school laptop? Abusing privileges - most government officials would approve.
Welcome to Friday morning. The day started off with a rousing assembly in which our headmaster read the senior's names and college acceptances in a very mumble-y, monotonous voice. I guess it's so those of us who have no plan can become motivated - hell yes, I can have the entire student body halfheartedly clap for me with one eye on the clock the whole time! I dunno, all it's really motivating me to do is live in a minivan for the rest of my life if only to spare the poor saps from having to sit there another second.
But afterward, the cast of the school musical performed one of their dance numbers to try to get us to come see the show this weekend, which was actually pretty cool. So, props. (C WUT I DID THAR. I'M SO PUNNY.)
Things I have to look forward to: a detention for not doing my gym homework (sounds like an oxymoron, eh?), and a two-and-a-half hour play rehearsal later. Plus lunchtime will be utilized to finish up the Spanish writeup I was too lazy to do last night.
But! I will also probably be kidnapping my bestie and spending the night having a Heroes marathon with her. Hell yes.
I showed this blog to one of my friends - let's name her McSparklepants - and she wants me to write about her. Okay, here goes.
McSparklepants has long, flowing blonde locks and eyes that shimmer like the ocean in sunlight...
She wants me to tell my nonexistent band of followers about how much she hates reading. So. McSparklepants hates reading quite a bit. I lent her my copy of Will Grayson, Will Grayson, and it took her a good three months or so to finish it. I say "finish"... she got within thirty pages of the end and some kid took her bookmark out, and she decided "screw it, it's too much effort to find my place again."
(She just looked over and asked me if I was writing the blog. I said yes. She asked what her name was. I said McSparklepants. She hi-fived me and asked what I was saying. I said I was discussing her hatred of reading. She hi-fived me again. Our teacher told us to shut up. Well, that last part is a lie, but he is sort of glaring at us.)
Anyway, now she's reading my copy of Twisted by Laurie Halse Andersen, so cross your fingers she actually manages to get through this one?
I should probably stop typing this; apparently we're going to have a vocabulary test or something. Being a walking dictionary is important, kids!
See you later.
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