Hello, my two beautiful followers! It has been a while since I updated this blog. I think my mother has stopped reading it now, though, which means I can actually make it mildly interesting. That's good.
So this might actually be an interesting project, if not for the fact that I'll probably forget to update. If I set up an updating schedule it'll start to seem like a chore, and then I'll resent you all, and then I will eventually just put a boot through my computer screen. Which would be bad.
Actually, the only way I'll end up resenting you is if you don't leave a comment on my blogs for all of my hard work. It's a pain in the ass to type, you know. Gosh.
So I'm back. Guess I'll actually put effort into this now. Summer's drawing to a close for me; I only have three weeks or so left of vacation. And most of it will be spent writing for Camp NaNoWriMo. Maybe. Depends on if I'm lazy or not.
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